Based on our award-winning animation series, 123 Number Squad: Turbo Ball! is a Roblox experience that features timed rounds where math questions are posed, and the goal of the player is to answer as many math questions correctly as possible.

An animated short film about a middle-aged man, suffering from depression, who finds himself caught in the rain on his way to work. When a cheerful stranger offers him a spot under her umbrella, he is introduced to a different perception of reality.

104 x 11’ animated series 123 Number Squad! follows three friends Paula, Tim and Billy, with a shared love for numbers, fun and games turn into Numbersville’s fast-response rescue team - 123 Number Squad! - whenever someone needs emergency help!

Brand new Leo the Wildlife Ranger Season 3 (80 x 7’) brings more fun animation for children that encourages knowledge and appreciation for wildlife and nature. Junior Rangers Leo and Katie and their loyal puppy Hero embark on adventures to learn more about the fascinating animals of the world.

68 x 7’ animated series Paula & Pals! Follow our proud and helpful members of 123 Number Squad! Paula, Tim and Billy as they explore and have fun with activities when they are not busy going on missions solving number-related issues. Fun begins at home but Paula and friends can end up anywhere!

44 x 11’ animated series for preschool children to learn about numbers and numeracy in fun and entertaining ways! Join Paula and friends on adventures to solve problems, have fun and meet fascinating characters along the way!

On a routine mission to retrieve a valuable emerald, a space miner George and his partner Trusty inadvertently find themselves lost and trapped on a remote planet fighting for their very survival.


Omens Studios is an award-winning animation studio built for the digital age. We create fun characters and engaging stories that resonate with kids of all ages. We believe in working together to create a fun work environment and culture for storytellers, artists and technologists to create world-class content and brands for our fans across the globe.

Our Work

Animated Series

Short Films

Service Work

Visual Effects

123 Number Squad!
Leo the Wildlife Ranger
Paula & Pals
Counting with Paula
Soft Rain
Cap'n Shmelly and the Sperm Whale


careers with us


We are a diverse and eclectic team of professionals with a focus on teamwork. We have animators, directors, producers, writers, technologists, gamers, coders and the always-on business team. We like open communication and we have a ‘can-do’ attitude. We’re always open to great ideas from everyone and we work hard to maintain a fun and fair working environment.

Job and internship enquiries in Singapore:

Job and internship enquiries in Malaysia:


Our Offices

Omens Studios (Singapore)

#03-01 INNO Centre,
1003 Bukit Merah Central,

Phone: +65 68170528

Omens Studios (London, UK)

3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street London,

Omens Studios (Malaysia)

No. 2-10, Menara Infiniti, Jalan SS 6/3
47301 Petaling Jaya,